Resistant Starch in Parboiled Rice

Parboiled Rice is a good source of resistant starch (RS) and your preparation method can increase the content. I have been trying to increase resistant starch foods in my diet while still supplementing with Bob’s Red Mill Potato Starch
The increase in RS happens even before your purchase the rice. Parboiled rice, also known as converted rice, is partial cooked just after harvest. The rice is soaked, steamed and then dried. The process increases the vitamin content and makes it easier to remove the husks.
The main benefit I’m looking for is the retrogradation. The process that forms the RS makes parboiled rice one of the lowest glycemic types of rice. And, you can increase the RS production even more if you prepare it properly.
Just follow the package instructions. I like to substitute my homemade chicken broth in place of the water and prepare the rice as directed.
Once the rice is cooked and then cooled some. I divide it up into freezer bags and freeze. The freezing process will help retrogradation occur. It basically adds more RS that is resistant to further heating.
Then I thaw one bag out at a time and use in all sorts of ways. The rice is very handy for adding to stir fry and bean dishes. This great mixed with black beans.
Other Resistant Starch Foods I’ve found easy to incorporate in my diet are green plantains (especially as dehydrated plantain chips), Lentils, Pinto Beans, Black Beans and cold cooked potatoes.