
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Alternative to the Potato Hack!

FDA approves stomach-draining obesity treatment.

A new weight loss device offers a novel approach to cutting calories: draining them from the stomach before they are digested. The AspireAssist system consists of a thin tube implanted in the stomach, connecting to an outside port on the skin of the belly. About 30 minutes after finishing a meal, users connect the port to an external device, which drains some of the recently-consumed food into the toilet. The manufacturer says its system removes about 30 percent of food stored in the stomach before it begins causing weight gain.

Is this really what it's come to? I guess this is healthier than sticking a finger down your throat after a meal.

Potatoes By Day

As an aside, if anyone has tried the potato hack for weight loss and wished there was an easier way, please try the variation that I described in the book as "Potatoes by Day."

I have been getting overwhelming feedback that simply eating potatoes for 1-2 meals a day, and one "real" meal results in very good weight loss for many. I have always liked this approach, especially for for a long-term weight loss measure. Just keep your one real meal as "real" as possible, not an excuse to pig-out on junk food. I will be re-examining "Potatoes by Day" later, but if anyone has tried, how'd it go?


  1. That outshines the evilness of a green potato.

    1. These are real things I've seen in the news lately:

      A spiky patch surgically sewn onto the tongue to make eating unbearable.

      A feeding tube inserted into the nose and left in place, connected to a bag of liquid food to provide 800 cal/day.

      And my favorite: The anti-eating mask, patented in 1982.

      "Typical of such groups of individuals is the housewife who must frequently cook meals during the day which generally includes the preparation of such fattening foods such as pies, pastries, and the like. During the preparation of such meals not only is there the temptation to nibble on the food being prepared but it is generally necessary that the food be tasted during preparation thereby constantly stimulating the appetite and promoting the consumption of large quantities of food."


    2. Oh, my. Those are horrible sounding things. And, yes, that's me. The housewife. I will always remember that I can fall back on the potato. Thanks!

  2. >splutter< >gag< OH MY STARS!! It's a brave new world, ain't it?

    Re the potatoes by day, yes that worked for me, very very well. I did it off and on, couple days a week, nothing formal, just guided by instinct. I made sure I ate lots of fermented food too (sometimes with the potatoes). I usually had an egg for breakfast on potato days.

    As background - I was a naturally thin person who had to eat quite a lot so as not to get downright skinny for most of my life. I've never really eaten the SAD way. This was menopause weight had that crept on, and after a few years I was tired of it. It came off slowly but surely and once it did, my metabolism reset itself. Now I'm back to having to eat more so as not to get skinny. Oh well. I feel a LOT better, more energy, better sleep, etc.

    I think the fermented foods were an important component.

    Oh, and on the 'normal' eating days, since I love to bake, I was indulging in the likes of scones & home made bread. Not to excess, but just to say I wasn't starving myself.

    1. I am a firm believer that hormones are the biggest cause in weight gain for men and women alike. Just slight fluctuations in certain hormones can cause fat to be stored in areas we do not want it to. Most people seem to blame insulin as the 'fat storage hormone' but I have seen crazy weight gain in women on hormonal (estrogen/testosterone) therapy, after menopause, etc. People who are naturally lean and muscular hit the genetic jackpot.

      I'm also pretty sure that there are lots of things in the modern environment that expose us to hormone disrupting chemicals (food, pollution, pesticides, etc.).

  3. What are your thoughts on skipping breakfast and having a potato lunch and dinner?

    1. That has been my normal method of potato hacking. I have not eaten breakfast regularly in years. I tend to feel best when I eat my first meal around noon.

      Well, in re-reading, do you mean no breakfast, all-potato lunch, and normal dinner? If so, that will probably work, too.

      I'm pretty sure that replacing about half of the normal foods you eat with potatoes will result in weight loss for most people.

  4. I tried the the potato by day hack. It didn't work for me. The potatoes replaced my two egg and 1.5 ounce cheese omelette cooked in goat butter, which is what I eat every morning with a load of veggies. By the end of two days, I was desperate for fat and had to get my egg-cheese-butter fix.

    Nothing bad happened, but my gut is pretty demanding when it wants something! And I had no real way to benefit. I was just curious.

    1. I forgot to mention that the stomach device made me think of the movie Wall-E. Unbelievable.

  5. Let's hope this never gets marketed. It's hard to believe the FDA would approve it, as it really is a version of bulimia. People will press the button, be starving, and start over. Or not wait to be starving. You can basically be eating for hours. By the way, since eating a potato a day, I've noticed an improved sense of well-being and even - not every day, but almost - energy. Is it the potato? I don't know!


  6. Is it that most of us want instant gratification and dieting and exercise is just not fast enough? Wouldn't there be the problem of vitamin deficiency with this contraption? If this goes to market,I hate to think what will be next!

  7. This sounds simply awful and goes against everything anyone has ever written about weight loss. We need to re-train our minds & bodies, not find a way to get around our eating habits.
    Tim, a friend is doing 2 potato meals a day and other food for either lunch or dinner, depending on schedule. She says it's working for her. Still losing weight and feeling better than she has in ages.
    For me, doing it this way for the past couple weeks has left me weighing the same but not having the level of energy that I had doing the Potato Hack as recommended in the book. Think I'll go back to that plan.
    Keep up the good work and thanks for all you do!

    1. Thanks for the report! There is definitely room for individuality with the potato hack.

  8. I call PBD the 1 meal a day plan. Eat whatever I'm hungry for from 5-7PM daily. Otherwise it's boiled potatoes, salt, vinegar, water and coffee. Have maintained desired weight for 3 months.

  9. Who would've thought? Wonder how many people will want to try this out.


    Guys, a question. What do you know about the idea that body temperatures consistently under 98F and/or cold hands/feet means your metabolism is low, and that the ideal range is 98-99F, with warm hands/feet?

    1. Consistently low body temp usually means low thyroid. 98-99 is ideal. Hands feet should be warm, not cold.

    2. Thanks for the reply, Tim.

      Do you know the work of Ray Peat, Danny Roddy and Matt Stone. If so, what do you think about it? Another question, if I may. What do you think of coconut oil consumption in general, and specifically regarding upping body temperature?

    3. Sure, I'm familiar with all of them. I think they all offer good points to take into consideration when attempting to regain health.

      I'm not a big fan of eating coconut oil outside using it sparingly for cooking. I have not seen any evidence that a low body temperature can be corrected simply by eating coconut oil, other things need to be taken into consideration first. A very low carb diet is often a causative factor in low body temp, but a sluggish thyroid is the most likely culprit. First step should always be to get the thyroid checked by a specialist.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. What is the best type of potato (red are low GI, white pots are high GI) and what is the best preparation?

    1. Makes no difference. Any prep is good, just no oil.

  11. Tim, I've been doing 2 hacks a day, generally on Monday and Wednesday. Have a really hard time doing more because family dinners are important for me. If I did PBD, would I need to do it the other 5 of 7 days or just a day or 2 on top of the 2 hacks a week? The PBD was very interesting to me in your book but I have yet to try it! I have around 45 lbs I'd like to lose.

    1. It really depends on you, just experiment and see. With 45 pounds to lose, I'd recommend doing "PBD" as many days a week as possible until you get to your goal weight or very close.

    2. Tim, thanks so much for the response! I am trying to incorporate rebounding workouts and 2-3 HIIT workouts a week. If I do PBD most days of the week, would working out like this be okay? I know you say when full hacking don't do anything rigorous but PBD isn't a full on hack.

    3. I think that sounds like a pretty good plan. The "no exercise" advice is for a week-long, low-calorie hack. Most people do better when they take a week off from strenuous exercise now and then. But PBD should fit well with any exercise plan.

  12. I need to lose 10kg. what would be your recommendations for a potato diet should 3 days a week both lunch and dinner be ok as I dont have breakfast is it necessary for potatoes to be cooled in the fridge or just cooled normally pls info tks

    1. There's no easy answer to that question, so I wrote an entire book, lol. Everyone's starting point is so different, you really need to work it out on your own.

      When potato hacking, do not worry about cooking and cooling for the RS sake, just do it for convenience and get RS as a side-benefit.

  13. Good stuff probably have many lurkers so this one is checking in with a brief report.

    In short...potatoes and the hack are a god send for me.

    I'm on my third 3 day hack right now over the last 3 months. Once a month or so.

    I'm a 56 year old male who lost a lot of weight with LC but over the years it seemed to stop working and I had about 10 tough pounds on my stomach and man boobs that I could not get rid of easily anymore.

    Two potato hacks got rid of 6lbs of it right away...3lb. each time with a big "whoosh" on day 2 each time.

    I've also added in a little raw potato each time I do the hack...and I finally get the vivid dreaming I've heard about with RS consumption.I never took to potato starch very well but raw potatoes seem to work.

    If only I could learn to steer the vivid dreams about women, I may just potato hack with some added raw potato until nothing is left of me. ;-)

    But seriously...this is a great tool for me. Thank you so much for all of your hard work. I will be buying the book and recommending it to others.

    One last health note related to the potato hack. I've naturally migrated toward Potato by Day as I've found the potatoes have remedied my chronic life long digestion problems.

    I have a non-functioning gall bladder...not sure if it has to do with that or not...but a steady diet of potatoes keeps me regular for the first time in my life. Things are working as they are suppose to...and not a bad TMI every 3-5 days and all that goes with that condition.

    So anyway...just another believer out there with better health results than any doctor EVER gave me.

    Thanks again!

    1. Thank you so much for this comment! I've started getting 1-star (bad) reviews on Amazon because the Vegans have discovered me and are mad that I include meat in some versions of the Potato hack, lol. This comment makes up for a million bad reviews. Thanks!

    2. I just read your only one star "review" which looks more like a crazy person rant. It takes all kinds! I'm still experimenting with potato hacking after surviving my 3 day boot camp...and I can barely go a day without eating potatoes. I do get some odd glances at the natural food store when I buy 10 pounds of Yukons. And Yellow Finns when I can find them...good eatin'! :)

  14. I did the standard weekly potato hack once per week (for 3 days at a time) for a month and since then, and after losing a lot of fat, I've been doing PBD + using whey protein isolate shakes (a mere 100 cals for 21 grams of protein per shake) throughout the day for muscle retention. 42 years old with visible abs. Working well.

    The thing is, once you've been at it for awhile, you realize that cooked and cooled taters are very satiating, so you just need to eat them flexibly but regularly to lose and/or maintain your new weight. Make it work for you however you need to.

    1. D - thanks for sharing. I've never used or looked into whey protein, but if it's working, that's great. Can't argue with visible abs, lol.

      Obviously you are coming at this from a different angle than most, you are most likely extremely sensitive to insulin. In this case, using the potato hack to lose the last stubborn bits of body fat is a very good tool. I hear from lots of bodybuilders who really like potato hacking to "cut." Normal methods that get popular in gyms sometimes result only in dehydration...OK for a competition, but kind of pointless for real life. Did you see Rusty Moore's review of the PH book:

      Part 1 -

      Part 2 -

      And also this from TestShock:

  15. What about adding Greek Yogurt to the two PBD meals; as the 3rd meal?

    1. Sorry, must have missed this comment! I think yogurt is a very good addition to PBD. Could be hack of its own.

  16. Bought the book, I will comment once I actually try the hack! I've read a ton about it and I have run the numbers (calories per day, etc) and I have some hope this will work for me. I'm a post menopausal woman who has been on and off diets her whole life, I finally got myself together and lost 75 pounds about 13 years ago--kept it off too, for all of ten years. But I had a health issue come up and I had to go on a medication known for weight gain and it was a train wreck in slow motion that I couldn't stop--up about 15 pounds while on the meds, then in the 1.5 years since I've been off it I've put on another ten pounds. Something changed in my body that hasn't corrected itself because I have stopped losing weight by cutting calories. Also, as soon as the carbs get out of my body I develop severe insomnia. The other issue is that I am on a moderately low oxalate diet--and potatoes are pretty high in oxalates. However, boiling potatoes and eating calcium with the potatoes will help reduce the amount of oxalate available.

    So...this is the new plan (ha ha, always a new plan--never surrender!) Three days paleo/lowish carbs followed by two days of the modified potato hack (adding half cup milk to each potato feed) to get the carbs back in my system. And repeat. I have hope this might work for a moderate weight loss. I will let you know!
    Ann C.

    1. Possibly consider using a no-sugar-added yogurt instead of milk, many have said that's a great combo. But I will be curious to hear your results! Thanks for the note. Those hormone-driven weight changes you ladies experience get a bit out of my league, and I know they must be frustrating as heck.

    2. Tim, you are my new hero! I mean it. I've used the potato hack for about four out of the last 8 days. (The other days have been my usual lower carb and lower calorie and I've been hungry every day I did the usual). I am completely hooked. From my first all potato meal I have not been hungry at all. As a chronic dieter who is chronically hungry you have no idea how good it feels to eat a meal and at the end not feel desperate for more food. I've been eating potatoes at will and by the end of the day I'm hitting about 2.5 pounds. LIke I said above, I've added some milk to each potato meal but my total calories for the potato days has been about 1200. Unbelievable. I have felt like I was starving on 1500 calories. Plus, I am sleeping great--unheard of for me at that low calorie level. I haven't weighed but I can see my face thinning out and my pants are definitely fitting better. I'll wait for a couple more weeks and then let you know officially how much the total is. Oh, and also, I have had tons of energy for my long walks--fitbit totals are coming in about 25% higher without even trying. I am your newest True Believer.
      Ann C.

      Ann C.

    3. Great! Hard core dieters have a tough time continually losing 1 pound a week long term. I have heard from loads of folks who say that they finally have a way to consistently stay on a downward trend in weight. Normal dieting is so damn frustrating! One weekend can blow away months of hard dieting progress. People tell me they are eating whatever they want on the weekends, and still losing weekly.

      If you can find a way to make peace with eating potatoes (many can't, lol), you can make good progress.

      I did not include milk or yogurt in the book, but of there is ever a sequel, it will undoubtedly contain a dairy variation.

      Thanks for the note! Keep us posted.

  17. Juicing along with potatoes up til supper...counterproductive or unnecessary?

    1. Counterproductive. Have your juice with dinner, unless you are talking about juicing a potato.

  18. Is there a long term danger to eating a pound of raw potatoes per day? I read the article on RS in potatoes in various forms and thought I would just try eating 500 grams of raw potatoes per day to see what effect it has. I've experimented with Bob's Red Mill in the past with good results but wanted to up my own N=1 experiment and see if Bobs Red mill plus a combo of other fibers AND the raw potatoes would have a different effect. Thanks for any insight anyone may have!

    1. There should be no long-term dangers, but a pound is quite a bit. A pound is equivalent to about 8-10TBS of potato starch.

      Personally, I think raw potato is a better source of RS than potato starch, but pretty hard for most people to incorporate raw potatoes into daily life. Possibly 125-250g would be a better starting point.

  19. Tim, I'm trying to potato hack, but I tend to get really big cravings every other day. So I'm doing breakfast of steel cut oats, dinner of potatoes, except every other day, I have what I'm craving for dinner.

    I'm also taking some decent probiotics, berberine, zinc carnosin, and bovine colostrum to heal leaky gut.

    I'm hoping that as I progress here that cravings will subside and I'll be able to do the potato hack more days in a row.

    I may just need to eat more potatoes.

    At any rate, I'm feeling really good. Evacuation is really good. And I'm losing weight!
