
Saturday, April 2, 2016

SpudFit...90+ Days on an All-Potato Diet

I've talked about Andrew Taylor (aka SpudFit) before. He started out the year at about 300 pounds and is down to around 250 now. He eats nothing but potatoes for meals and snacks, lightly spiced. He drinks soy milk and the occasional beer.

SpudFit has a YouTube channel where he posts weekly video diaries of his progress. I've been following along with great interest as he intends to keep this diet up for a full year. My prediction is that Andrew will continue to lose weight at his average rate of 1/2 to 1 pound per day until he is at a very healthy weight in mid-summer, then he might have to start adding back some regular foods at some point, as Chris Voigt found on his 60 day potato diet in 2010.

I love SpudFit's latest video. His first video showed an unhealthy, overweight guy who looked dull and miserable. His newest video shows a healthy, happy man. Of particular interest, in this weeks video, watch Andrew's reaction when his young son barges in on his "studio." This was filmed live, no fancy editing. Just a happy Dad and his kid. There is no way to fake this level of happiness, it comes through good diet, exercise, and sleep. Anyway...just watch:

And compare to Day 1:

I wish Andrew much success. I feel we have not seen the last of him.

What do you all think about the SpudFit Challenge?  Anyone up for it?



  1. Doesn't even seem like the same guy. Any plans to reconsider your 3 to 5 day potato hacks to a longer period?

    1. Well, for those with lots of weight to lose, I've always thought that extended potato hacks are just the thing they need. 3-5 day increments are easier for most people, but watching SpudFit is an educating experience.

  2. He is fantastic. A lovely guy

  3. I've done a couple of potato hacks. Each time the 3rd day of just potatoes and my sleep goes to shite. From there I become very constipated and get a lot of GERD.

    What do you think?

    1. What happens on the first 2 days? All is fine and some weight loss? Strange that something would shift so dramatically on the 3rd day. No idea, but it's probably telling us something.

    2. Maybe telling T C to stop on day 2?

      Sorry, too easy.

      Besides Tim's questions, do you have the same reaction with prebiotics or probiotics?

    3. Why don't you just replace your other carb foods with potatoes, eat less meat type foods (don't eliminate), beans, and eat your vegetables every day. You'll lose weight just as well except you won't get the sudden initial weight loss and you may not get adverse symptoms. This way you also mix it up with the different types of fibres.

    4. T C

      Provide some more information, please. Otherwise you only get imprecise guesses.

    5. The first 2 days are normal. I assumed it was glycogen depletion/going ketotic. I assumed my calories were just too low. I can't eat but ~500 calories worth of boiled potatoes.

    6. How are you cooking/eating those spuds? I get constipation from too much RS.

    7. @TC this is incredible. You can only eat 4 medium size potatoes a day (500 cals)? try 1500cals a day. sleep quality should increase on a diet of potato only.
      @Gabriella. One can loose weight eating nothing but chocolate. Having a balanced diet as you suggest is great as lifestyle. The potato hack it's a short time thing. Eating nothing but potatoes resets your brain. Food is no longer tasty, it's just something that gives you the energy to survive, shuting down the reward system. once you do that for a few days you can resume your healthy, balanced eating pattern

    8. @Brad, forgive my ignorance but constipation and RS seem mutually exclusive.

      @augistindan honestly, they work that well. I have 16 ounces of coffee spread through the day and the 4-6 small yukon gold potatoes and I am sated. I'd rather fast for 3-5 days every quarter. My sleep suffers on about the 3rd day still but there are zero GI problems.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I read the book and i like it. One thing i was wondering about. Say that one wanted to do it for 1 month on only potatoes. I would also do some resistance training etc to protect from muscle loss, but still. Say eating 2-3 lbs potatoes a day, want that result in muscle loss? When you see people talk about getting at least 1.5g/kg bodyweight of protein or more when cutting calories to loose fat and preserve muscle. Have you had some active or people with some muscle done this and maintained their muscle while getting down to low bodyfat% ?


    1. Wasn't that all covered in the book? lol

      I do not think that potato hacking is complementary to bodybuilding unlessed used as a deloaded fat "cut". The bulking phase of bodybuilding needs to involve lots of protein and lots of calories.

      Try doing the potato hack 3-5 days and see if you can lose the 3-5 pounds advertised. If it works, you can be even more aggressive in your bulking and muscle building knowing that you have a quick "cut" method handy.

    2. Daily intermittent fasting such as the "Leangains" 16/8 method would prob be better for this purpose. Meaning, no eating for 16 hours and then a "feed window" of 8 hours where you eat to satiety, usually 2 meals. No need to count calories or macros. Just eat clean and of course include potatoes ;-)
      You can mix in a couple 5 day spud hacks every other week. That might help too.

    3. I meant a couple spud hacks every month, or every other week.

    4. @Mr Secret. caloric deficit = loose fat & muscle. the question what is the maximum deficit that can be covered by the fat available in your body (answer : 30cals/pound of fat) ( So if you are 200 ounds, 10%BF, you can sustain a deficit of 600 cals/day with with no significant muscle loss. Lifting heavy will also help to preserve muscle mass (low volume, hight intenssity, RPT style). 2-3 times/week, 30-40 minutes/session. One more thing : for a medium size man, eating 4pounds of spuds should not be an issue ( i can easily do 6 pound a day @ 75kg). 4pounds potato = 40g high quality protein . That combined with the protein sparing effect of carbs eat your potato and keep the muscle too.

    5. @ Brad Good luck with IF and the no counting calories and macros. Actually counting calories and macros is what make leangains so effective. when you eat those calories is not that important.
