
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Christmas PUDDD'ing and Potato Porn

Merry Christmas, kind readers!

We take Christmas seriously up here in North Pole, Alaska. I have some intel from "the man himself" that the reindeer are looking forward to that warm weather ya'all have been having down in the lower-48.

You might think I'm kidding, but check it out. Santa has so much time on his hands what with automating the toy work shop and outsourcing to China, he ran for City Council. Right. Like we aren't going to vote for Santa in North Pole, Alaska.

Maybe we can write him in for president!

Anyway, just wanted to let you all try my favorite variation of the potato hack over the holidays. I know we should all be good little boys and girls and not eat the fudge, divinity, toffee, and candy canes, but sometimes you just gotta say, "ho! ho! ho!" and go with the flow. So here's a great way to keep the old waistline in check over the holiday season. I call it Christmas PUDDD'ing.

Christmas PUDDD'ing

This is a spin-off of the Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet™. Often abbreviated JUDDDD™, this diet is one of the trademarked low carb diets that seems to work exceptionally well for people who enjoy a low carb approach to dieting. With JUDDDD™, one has days of high calories (up days) and days of low calories (down days). The book associated with JUDDDD™ is The Alternate Day Diet which promises activation of your “skinny gene.” If you are shopping for a diet plan, take a look, maybe you’ll like it. The Alternate Day Diet is filled with many of the same “alphabet soup” strategies for success that I use in the potato hack.

“The Alternate-Day Diet is based on scientific and clinical studies that show how restricting calories only every other day activates a gene called SIRT1, the skinny gene.”

With Christmas PUDDD'ing, simply eat "normally" one day, and potatoes the next. With JUDDDD™, you’ll need to go through an extensive “induction” period and use a series of calculations to determine your basal metabolic needs for your down days. The down days of JUDDDD™ are simply calorie reduced days and the up days are eating normally. The danger of this diet is that the user may never really learn to eat properly and simply switch between starving and eating crappy food. With Christmas PUDDD'ing, the same trap is there…you’ll need to learn to eat right in your up days. However, the down days of PUDDD are so easy, even a caveman could do it (sorry, Paleo®). Just eat potatoes until you are full on your down days. No counting calories, no tracking nutrients. The potato is the ideal food for an “up day down day” approach to eating.

PUDDD would be great for a long term maintenance plan, or for slow, sustained weight loss. For maintenance, try PUDDD for a week at a time, once every month or even just a couple times a year. For weight loss, try PUDDD for a month and see what happens. The weight loss will be undoubtedly slower than straight potato hacking, but PUDDD shows great promise in keeping people on track.

When it comes to your up days, I can’t stress enough that you will need to learn to eat a human-appropriate diet. This is as simple as just avoiding the big 3 industrial foods: Refined sugar, industrially processed oil, and enriched wheat. If a food label lists any of those as the main ingredients, don’t eat it. Ever.

But for the holidays, don't feel guilty if you eat some of the homemade treats that Aunt Bessie put so much effort into. It's Christmas. Enjoy. And try some Christmas PUDDD'ing (or even pudding).

Merry Christmas!

BONUS SECTION.............................................................................................

Oh, also some potato porn for your viewing pleasure:

Oven-baked hash browns.

Grated potatoes on a sheet of parchment paper cooked at 450 for 20-25 minutes. No oil, no salt. Delicious. Sorry, kinda dark and out-of-focus just like real porn. Still getting the hang of my camera.

And here we have a dish that you could serve anywhere, anytime and it will be the highlight of the dinner.

 I call it "Potato Baklava"

"California White" Potatoes
Thinly Sliced

Layered and "fried"

Flipped once
 Isn't that just mouthwatering? I was getting about 50 slices per potato, and did not slice my finger for a change. It helps to use a good non-stick pan and keep the heat just at medium. I keep covered and flip just once when the bottom has browned.

The gravy I made is so simple. 2 cups of chicken broth, 1TBS of potato starch, salt and pepper. Bring 1-1/2 cups of the chicken broth to a quick boil, the take off the heat. Mix PS in reserved, cold 1/2 cup of broth and dump into the hot broth and stir. It thickens almost instantly. Don't over-starch your gravy!

Served with Potato Starch Gravy

And this dish is Potato Hack Approved! The only extra being a bit of chicken broth and salt. What's more potato-y than potato starch? 

More after the Holidays! 




  1. Today is day three of my potato hack. I tried it once before and caved the morninig if day three. Just did not feel satisfied. This time i was also starving on day one and must have eaten five potato meals and they were mostly cooked and cooled with only salt, which I think is how I did it on that first try. So the Second day it was all fresh cooked and with vinegar. Was surprised at how much less hungry I was. And this morning I was down about a pound and a half. So now I am psyched to keep the weight loss going. Am curious to see how this Puddding method works for me. Thanks and Merry Christmas!

    1. Are you trying the PS gravy? Wow.

      Merry Christmas!

    2. Can't wait to try the gravy. But have to wait till we finish eating the remainder of our harvest which is Butte, a very dry mealy potato best baked and even then you really long for butter or sour cream to moisten it up. Today I made a Tonnato sauce for hubby to pour over his while I struggled to work up some saliva. Anyway when they are done I will get me some other varieties to make that pancake with the gravy.

      Here's that Tonnato sauce for your UP days

  2. What is the effect of alternate-day calorie restriction on the usage, and potential depletion of stem cells?

    Generally low calorie followed by high calorie should cause stem cells to divide and build stuff. Done in reasonable frequency it has great results.

    Eg. "In trials humans were asked to regularly fast for between two and four days over a six-month period." and this allowed for "The researchers say fasting "flips a regenerative switch" which prompts stem cells to create brand new white blood cells, essentially regenerating the entire immune system."
    Would you like to do this very frequently? Mabe not, as stem cell depletion is one of the causes of death at old ages. You don't want to deplete them. So maybe the classic dieting patterns, like doing it for 2 weeks or so is actually safer?

    1. That seems to be the whole premise of The Alternate Dat Diet, and I have been hearing amazing things about fasting for years. I'll look into this, good blog post idea!

    2. Additionally: autophagy is necessary for stem cells to keep their stemness feature. If there's no autophagy in stem cells - they loose the ability to divide, go senescent :-( Autophagy is induced by fasting or low calories.

      I've haven't found good comparative numbers though - how long and frequent fasting/calorie is optimal.

  3. Tim,
    Regarding both recipes above, are you cooking these, then refrigerating them and eating the next day warmed up?

    1. Both, this potato chip pie thing is actually quite delicious cold. But eat how you like.

  4. Tim said, "Sorry, kinda dark and out-of-focus just like real porn."

    And you would know this because.....

    1. Funny story, while googling for pictures of Christmas Pudding, I was taken to the very far corners of the internet!

  5. I will include PUDDDing as part of my post surgery recovery! Found out why my body reacts so weirdly to normal stuff and gonna get 'er fixed. Will use the potato hack to get in better health than I ever have been. For all you curious minds, look up "nutcracker syndrome". Just in time for Christmas too! Merry Christmas all!

    1. "Nutcracker syndrome is a vascular compression disorder, and refers to the compression of the left renal vein between the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and aorta. This can lead to renal venous hypertension, resulting in rupture of thin-walled veins into the collecting system with resultant haematuria."

      Yikes! Wishing you a speedy potato-induced recovery!

  6. I came off a successful 4 day potato hack last week. I am thinking about doing a 7-10 day hack starting either Jan. 2 (Sat.) or Jan. 4 (Mon). Anyone feel like joining me?

    Tim - wanna rally the troops?


    1. I'll have another post up on the first or so, sounds like a plan!

  7. I like the puddd'ing idea. Unfortunately hard to implement it right now with multiple families and Christmas parties go to. Could start it Sunday..... would be fun to see what a month long experiment would do.

  8. You are funny. I liked the potato "recipes." Especially the one where you sliced them thin. (Glad you didn't find a finger tip in there this time too.) Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  9. Alternate day fasting is indeed a good weight loss strategy, but should be used with caution if one has fatigue or adrenal problems. It can put a lot of stress on the adrenals. I have long-standing adrenal insufficiency (generally well-managed if not yet cured), and this happened to me eventually when fasting one day and then eating a Perfect Health Diet style(that is, all real, healthy, non-processed food) the next.

    If you persist with alternate day in the face of adrenal symptoms then your thyroid could then get involved. This is also what happened to me.

    Good news is a week or so of normal healthy eating should put you back on the good health road.

    Point being, if you try alternate day, just listen to you bod and if it's telling you to pull back a bit, just do that. Eat healthy and enjoy. Then try alternating or another staggered pattern of eating again after things resolve.

    Merry Christmas, Tater and All! :-)

    P.S. Those hashbrowns and "baklava" look heavenly. On my to-do list after the holidays!

  10. Wishing everyone A happy and joyous Christmas and the same for 2016.

    Jo tB

  11. Merry Christmas Tim and all who read this blog. May all have a great and healthy 2016.

  12. Does anyone have any problems sleeping when eating a lot of potatoes?

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