
Monday, November 2, 2015

It Takes Guts

From Jwr TV, a great video on our microbes. Courtesy of Gabriella Kadar.  Enjoy!


  1. Anyone know where to get Christensenellaceae minuta? This was a great video, thanks for posting it.

    1. If it is supposed to be in your gut flora, it will get there. Just eat a gut friendly diet high in high fiber foods, eat probiotic rich foods, get dirty, mingle, and stay away from antibiotics as much as possible.

      There are no Christenalla probiotics, and maybe a good thing. However, it is one of the more common bacteria that I see in people's gut tests, and usually in very small amounts, like .1%. What happens if you unnaturally introduce it and create a 10-20% population? No one knows, maybe it would make you lean with disastrous results.

      Best to focus on food, lifestyle, and other health factors and let your biome do its own thing.

  2. I really enjoyed this video too. I even stayed up past my bedtime to finish it. Thanks Gabriella!

  3. Jeff Leaches' turkey baster experiment was well over a year ago now. Why no results? Seems strange.

    Also sad no mention of RS, but at least "fiber" is being showcased. Some of the statements made me cringe, ie. "My son had well over 6000 species, after fast-food, only 3000."

    I have never seen a gut test that shows many more than 100 species, I think that was just a wild-ass guess based on something he read, not an actual test.

  4. A wonderful film - until they got to the part about bariatric surgery supposedly being the only treatment shown to work for the obese. Not true since I was once obese and now am not. The researchers keep saying diets "don't work," but do they mean people can't or won't adhere to them or that the obese are eating low calorie diets and still are not losing weight?

    I hate to say this, but there is a lot of denial in the obese community - many really don't self report accurately their food intake. The film obviously didn't focus on this surgery, but I really question whether it actually works; I've seen reports that people manage to eat enough to gain their weight back.

    Loved the American Gut guy! He made me laugh! Thanks for posting this!


  5. Thank you so much for posting this. Have been wanting something in understandable format and language to share with friends and family about this world inside us.

  6. I really enjoyed the video. I was all gun-ho to share it with friends, until the 'turkey baster' segment. For those friends that aren't gut savy, they would be like, WTF??
    And rightfully so. Heck, I'm fairly gut savy and I'm like, WTF??

  7. What was the name of this video? It seems to have been removed.

    1. Go to YouTube and type 'It Takes Guts' CBC in the search line. It's there.
