
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Amazon Store Page and Link

Howdy, folks! I'm back home now. Glad you all enjoyed Wilbur's gut booklet. You may notice a new page tab at the top. This is a new feature from Amazon called an "aStore". It will allow you to shop right here as if you were logged into Amazon. So many times when I am writing, I embed links to Amazon products. I really hate clicking a link to find that it is just an advertisement or affiliate link, so this will help cut down on that. I do all of my on-line shopping at Amazon. The really have their stuff together. As I find new products that fit in with the theme of Vegetable Pharm, I will add them. Rest assured, anything in my Amazon aStore will only be items that I have used and think are worthy of a good supplement protocol for prebiotic fiber and gut health. If you have any questions about these choices or want to leave a comment, you can just comment at the bottom of the page like any blog post. Thanks! Tim


  1. Very nice. I only shop on Amazon as well. The aStore looks great, but might need some formatting to get it to fit better. I book-marked it for when I need refills on my potato starch.


  2. Tim, thought you'd like this :-)


    1. lol

      Right up there with the people in Alaska selling moose 'nuggets'.

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